Former Planned Parenthood Director to Expose Abortion Industry
Here's a Special Announcement from 40 Days for Life!---On January 11, 2011, former Planned Parenthooddirector and 2008 "employee of the year" Abby Johnsonwill FINALLY be able to reveal all the secrets frombehind the closed doors of the abortion business ...and why she left to join the pro-life movement!Abby was the director of the Planned Parenthoodabortion facility in Bryan/College Station, Texas.Yes -- her clinic was the site of the first-ever40 Days for Life campaign back in 2004.Six 40 Days for Life campaigns were conducted outsideher workplace before Abby experienced a profoundconversion during the Fall 2009 campaign ... andliterally walked into my office with deep remorse totell me she wanted out of the abortion business.Planned Parenthood immediately filed a massivelawsuit and restraining order against Abby (and me)with the intent to silence her.But we finally WON that legal battle, and Abby is nowable to blow the whistle on her former employer andreveal ALL the shocking details of her experiencesinside the abortion industry ... and her conversion.Abby's story has never been fully revealed publicly... UNTIL NOW!On Tuesday, January 11, Abby's story will be releasedto the world in a landmark book, titled "Unplanned,"which is being published jointly by Tyndale House,Focus on the Family, and Ignatius Press.One night before -- on Monday, January 10, at 9 PMEastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific)-- we convinced Abby to join us for a live webcastsneak preview of the no-holds-barred revelationswhich fill the pages of "Unplanned."And you're invited!Register for the FREE event at:http://www.UnplannedWebcast.comDuring the webcast, you will discover ...* What initially attracted Abby to volunteer andthen work for Planned Parenthood -- America'slargest abortion chain -- even after being raisedin a faithful Christian home* The hidden personal secret that Abby had keptburied for years* The shocking discovery that suddenly caused Abbyto question everything Planned Parenthood had toldher over eight years* Planned Parenthood's confidential plans to expandits biggest money-maker -- abortion -- all acrossAmerica* The abortion industry's furious reaction when Abbydecided to quit her job and join local andnational pro-life efforts* What Abby's court battle brought to light aboutPlanned Parenthood's REAL agenda* The single most effective way to reduce PlannedParenthood's abortion business and change thehearts and minds of clinic workersYou won't want to miss this eye-opening,one-time-only online event!The announcement about the "Unplanned" webcast isbeing sent to hundreds of thousands of people aroundthe world, and there is limited space available.Grab your spot and register to attend NOW, beforeit's too late:http://www.UnplannedWebcast.comFor Life,Shawn CarneyCampaign Director40 Days for LifeP.S.- When you register for the webcast, we'll alsosend you the first chapter of Abby's breakthroughbook -- for FREE! You'll be among the very first topeek inside the pages of the book the abortionindustry tried to stop. Get chapter one now at: