"I want to make a difference on my campus"

This is our third post in a series of March for Life Reflections from students across Illinois.Today's story comes from Lily, a first year student at DePaul University. Here's her story:Lily Griswold and MaricarThis was my first time going on the March for Life.I have a very personal story for why I am pro-life, so I knew that my pro-life views would never change.However, I was at a crossroads with my beliefs.I saw how pro-choice all my friends were. I heard stories of people getting abortions and being happy as a result. I was conflicted with my feminist beliefs since people said I could not be both a feminist and pro life. I was surrounded by a culture of “choice” and my faith was faltering.Going on the march reignited the spark in me that was always there but was clouded by other things.Seeing so many people from different walks of life and those my age smiling and marching reiterated my faith in the human race and made me smile from the inside out.We truly are the pro-life generation. The march reminded me of who I am, who I want to be, and what I believe. Nobody can take that away from me.I want to make a difference on my campus by educating people on abortion, being a resource for pregnant women, serving my community, comforting those who are post-abortive, and creating a culture of life.I want my pro life beliefs to be a way of life and a position of love and service. After attending the march, I am ready to take my campus by storm and inspire others.I would recommend everyone attend the march. It changed my life, and I am certain it will change yours.We are excited to help Lily as she builds a culture of life on DePaul's campus! 


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"I’m motivated and inspired to build a culture of life"