Illinois - Stem Cell Action Needed

Somehow I had no idea that this vote was taking place but, the Illinois House just passed a bill that provides for state funding for the embryonic stem cell research. It also provides for therapeutic cloning, which basically means they are allowed to used tax-payer money to clone people and then kill the clone for his/her stem cells.This is a last ditch effort since Gov. Blagojevich is for this kind of research, but please contact him at and ask him to veto the bill!The legislature is still in session for a short time so you can also contact your reps and let them know how you feel about this bill. Look them up here: is a sample letter that you could send to the Governor.Dear Governor Blagojevich,I am very much opposed to the use of state funding in embryonic stem cell research. I am writing to ask you to veto the bill that will soon come before you that allows for the killing of a human at the embryo stage. I am in full support of adult stem cell research which has provided many treatments. Please put my tax money towards this ethical and more practical alternative.Thank you,


Stem Cell Veto


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