Introducing… weDignify
For more than 12 years, Students for Life of Illinois has been creating a culture of life. Friends like you have invested to transform students into skilled, virtuous pro-life leaders through SFLI’s Campus Mentor Program. We are so grateful for your partnership in this mission.The impact is evident. On campuses with an SFLI mentor, there is a 400% increase in pro-life events and more students in crisis pregnancies receive help. Your investment has a ripple effect for life, from individual students, to the campus as a whole, to society at-large.But many who are unfamiliar with our mission and work do not readily make that connection. We want to make it clear that SFLI is the leader in creating a culture of life. It’s time to reach even more people!After many months of prayer and discernment, we’ve concluded our current name doesn’t convey our strength and impact. To better position SFLI as an active force for good, we are changing our name to one that leads with our purpose, focuses on impact, and speaks to the heart.This new name encompasses what we do and how we do it. We dignify the unborn whose lives are so often discarded. As we dignify the unborn, more lives are saved and more people become pro-life, but it doesn’t stop there.Our actions dignify all involved:
- We dignify mothers and fathers by helping with resources.
- We dignify post-abortive women and men by bringing healing and hope.
- We dignify other pro-lifers—both students and partners like you, who support us as valuable partners in creating a culture of life.
- We even dignify pro-choice students and activists as we work to transform their hearts.
Therefore, as of today, Students for Life of Illinois is officially weDignify.While our name is changing, our steadfast commitment to serving college students remains. Our headquarters will continue to be located at U of I, just steps from the dorm room where we were founded. Our key values of sacrificial love and servant leadership, establishing justice for all people, and pursuing authentic joy will continue to guide everything we do. And, our commitment in Illinois is as strong as ever, as we just hired two more campus mentors to serve at our Illinois mentored schools!We are extremely excited about the new name and appreciate your support in the transition. Your continued partnership is vital for our growth!Launch us forward here!
If you have any questions, please contact me. I’d love to hear from you.Loving Life,Kevin GrillotweDignifyFormerly Students for Life of Illinois