Love Saves Lives!
Mary Kathryn O'Dwyer is a sophomore at the University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign. Read on for the final student reflection on the 2018 March for Life:My expectations for attending the March for Life were that it would be fun to be with friends and stick up for a cause I support. But once I actually experienced it, it became so much more!To see the number of people who were there to show support was really amazing. It was beautiful to see and hear our nation united in spreading love and saving lives. The March itself was peaceful and full of love, joy, and hope. Throughout the March, facts about abortion were brought to the surface and while there is no way to paint them positive, somehow, hope was not lost. I’ll be taking my experience from the March back to campus and look forward to getting involved in Illini Collegians for Life. I want to understand how to better articulate my views in the way I experienced others doing so at the March. I want to be able to share my perspective in a way that is powerful and strong through pure grace and love. Others need to be informed of the gift of fertility and how beautiful and strong mothers really are! They hold the most precious gift of life inside of them and should be celebrated. Overall, I want to teach others that to be Pro-Life is to be Pro-Woman, Pro-Children, and Pro-Love. After all, love saves lives!