Love is around the corner!
Rachel Singh is a sophomore at DePaul University and shares with us her very first experience at the 2018 National March for Life:Originally, I had not planned on going to the March for Life. I did not want to miss my classes or rehearsals, and going on the March was a commitment that I did not want to worry about, even if it was for an incredible cause. But the closer we got, people kept saying that the March for Life is amazing, and if one ever has the chance, he or she should go. Here I was, being presented with this chance. So, I decided to go!I had no idea what to expect. I was so surprised when I found other eager and energetic hearts marching alongside me. The Pro-Life movement is immense! Everyone who stands with it stands together in love. It’s true that the March for Life changed me: on that day, I felt the strength of the love of hundreds of thousands of people united in celebrating the inherent dignity of life.But how can this amazing love and support be so clear to me, and yet so many women feel like they don’t have a choice but to abort their child?I found myself asking this on the march, and I knew I needed to begin supporting single moms on and near my campus. If we can show women that in truth, they do not have to choose between raising a child and excelling in school, between giving their child life and earning a “good salary”, or any other goal, abortion loses its persuasive power. I want to let mothers know that they can have their child and still live their lives to the fullest.I've been challenged to give the Pro-Life movement a louder and more loving voice. In turn, I wish to challenge whoever is reading this in the same words I heard a few months ago: “The March for Life will change you. If you ever have the chance, just go.” And after seeing the 45th Annual March for Life? March now because we will not be marching for 45 more years. Love is just around the corner!