Judge Denies Planned Parenthood Request to Open Aurora Abortion Center

by Steven ErteltLifeNews.com EditorSeptember 20, 2007Aurora, IL (LifeNews.com) -- A federal judge denied a Planned Parenthood request on Thursday to allow it to open its new massively sized abortion center despite a city investigation into problems with its paperwork. The abortion business wanted a preliminary injunction allowing it to open before the city completes its probe.U.S. District Judge Charles Norgle denied the request but acknowledged the legal battle is far from over."There is a delay, but the delay itself at this point is not of constitutional magnitude" Norgle said. "That could change."The new abortion facility had been scheduled to open on Tuesday but Aurora city officials refused to give Planned Parenthood its permanent residency permit after it was discovered that the abortion agency used a different name on throughout its application papers...To read the rest of this article go to: http://www.lifenews.com/state2501.html


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