"...so inspiring and touching" -March for Life Testimony
In January, we led many students from Illinois to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. Many students returned with a passion for spreading life on their campuses. In the coming weeks, we are going to share those stories.The first story comes from Emilia Walasik, a student at Dominican University.Here's Emilia:
Before going to the March for Life, I had heard so many great things about it from my friends who attended last year. I have always been strongly pro-life and I believed that going to the March for Life was perfect for me. I remember how during the week before leaving, I honestly could not stop thinking about the upcoming trip. I was very excited!
Before the trip I was a member of the pro-life group at Dominican University. SFLI worked with students to create the first ever pro-life group at Dominican back in 2012.
I have also been an active advocate for people with disabilities since my brother, Tony, was born with Down Syndrome. Many times I have heard how pregnant women decide to have abortions because their children have a prenatal diagnoses of Down Syndrome or a different disability.
Whenever I hear this, my heart truly breaks because I think of my brother right away.
Tony is truly my best friend and I cannot imagine my life without him. What if my Mom decided to have an abortion with him? My life would be forever incomplete. Tony has taught me to be joyful and to see the world in colors rather than just in black and white. He is truly the reason why I am pro-life.
One of my highlights was the Students for Life of America Conference. Upon arriving, I was amazed at the number of young people passionate about the same thing I was. The speakers truly motivated me to take more serious action for the Pro-Life cause. One of my dreams is to become a Pastoral Counselor who would help pregnant women choose life.
Another highlight was the actual March for Life. It was so inspiring and touching to see so many people come despite the freezing weather. The March was honestly a huge celebration of Life!
Now that I am back on campus with my fellow pro-life friends, we are going to fight for life like never before. One of the events we are planning to have is for disability inclusion and awareness which will feature self-advocates who will speak about how their lives are beautiful in spite of their disabilities.
I strongly believe that our actions as well as all the actions taken by students all over our country will end abortion in our generation.
We are truly the Pro-Life Generation!