Rest in Peace Jon Scharfenberger
It is with great sadness that I write here again announcing the passing of a fellow pro-life advocate.I just learned that Jon Scharfenberger, the SFLA staffer who was critically injured in the car accident, for whom we've prayed for since Oct 8th, has passed away.This is another great loss for the pro-life movement. Jon was an inspiration and faithful worker for pre-born rights!Please join me in praying for his friends and family and for SFLA in this hard time.I've pasted SFLA's comments below.
The team at SFLA is beyond saddened by the news that Jon Scharfenberger, Pregnant on Campus Coordinator and Campus Support Coordinator for Students for Life of America, passed away this morning due to complications from injuries he sustained from the same car accident that claimed the life of SFLA leader Kortney Blythe Gordon and her pre-born daughter, Sophy, on October 8th.
Jon had many successes in his short time with us at SFLA, including establishing a pro-life campus group at Florida International University that was successful in saving the life of a pre-born baby, a mere one week after its creation.
We continue to offer prayers of support for Jon’s family and friends and grieve during this incredibly difficult time for our organization and mission.