Steven Tyler Doesn't Like Abortion (and neither should you)

steven tyler abortionYouth Defence has a great article about Steven Tyler's abortion history. Here are the highlights:This story goes to show that seeing the truth of abortion and experiencing it not only has a profound effect, it also has a very terrible effect on everyone involved... Even men...

In 1975, Tyler was in his late 20s when he and his young girlfriend, Julia Holcomb, conceived a child. His longtime friend Ray Tabano convinced Tyler that abortion was the only solution.Tabano said, "They had the abortion and it really messed Steven up because it was a boy. He saw the whole thing and it [messed] him up big time."

By 'He saw the whole thing,' it means that he actually saw his dead son once his body came out.  I've seen videos of abortions and pictures of the result of abortions and it's horrifying. I can't imagine what it would be like to see that happen to your own son.

A Baby Won't Ruin Your Life, Abortion Will

It is common for young couples and especially young women to be talked into having an abortion because 'having a baby will ruin your life.' It seems Aerosmith's lead singer was told the same thing and bought the lie.

Tyler reflected on his abortion experience in his autobiography saying, "It was a big crisis. It's a major thing when you're growing something with a woman, but they convinced us that it would never work out and would ruin our lives...""You go to the doctor and they put the needle in her bell and they squeeze the stuff in and you watch. And it comes out dead. I was pretty devastated. In my mind, I'm going: 'Jesus, what have I done?'", said Tyler of the abortion.

Usually, as in this case, the abortion is what does the most damage, not a child. In fact, when Tyler's next girlfriend got pregnant she chose life and that life was certainly more of a blessing to Steven than the abortion. Her name is Liv Tyler.

"He Was Crazy..."

After the abortion, Tyler's life spun out of control. He went crazy with drugs and had a really wild and dangerous lifestyle.

In the time after the abortion, Steven's life also began to spiral out of control. He went on a European concert tour and was accompanied by Buell, who said, "He was crazy... totally drunk, really out of it... Steven destroyed his dressing room at Hammersmith... when we got back from Europe... One night I found him on the floor of his bathroom having a drug seizure. He was writhing in pain."

I'm not sure how much of the craziness was because of the abortion, but I hear stories like this quite frequently. Most of the stories are from women with abortion histories. But, the drugs and alcohol are usually a means of coping with this sort of trauma.

"It Still Hurts..."

Abortion is forever. It's clear that it hurts women AND men for the rest of their lives. Even the rich and famous.

Years later, when Tyler married, and he and his wife were expecting their first child, he said he was still haunted by the abortion. "It affected me later... I was afraid. I thought we'd give birth to a six-headed cow because of what I'd done with other women," Tyler concluded. "The real-life guilt was very traumatic for me. It still hurts."

I hope Steven Tyler's words will help reach some who are considering abortion. I hope they will inspire some fans to resolve never to be a part of abortion and I hope that it will help those who have been to seek healing.It would be great if, now that this is out in the open, he were to speak out more on behalf of mothers, fathers and their pre-born children.What do you think?


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