Take Action Now to Stop the Pro-Abortion Health Care Bill
[Adapted from LifeNews.com]
Contact Your Member of Congress and Urge a NO Vote
1. The first thing every pro-life advocate should do is contact your member of Congress and urge a no vote. Don't just urge a no vote on the Senate bill (H.R. 3590) but on any companion/reconciliation bill to make changes to it (which will not include stopping abortion funding or promotion) and on the so-called Slaughter Rule that would allow the how to "deem" the Senate bill passed if the rule for debate is adopted.If you have already asked your House member to vote no on the bill, please go back and urge a no vote on any companion/reconciliation bill and the Slaughter Rule.You can find contact information for any member of Congress at http://www.house.gov and using the pull down list at the top or the zip code search.2. Once you have called and emailed your House member, there is still more you can do. Contact your House member via different methods so your representatives understand the full breadth of our opposition to this bill.Please also contact your House member's local offices (usually listed on their web site) and urge a no vote to staff in those offices as well. These local offices frequently compile the number of calls for or against a bill and send them to the representatives and their key staff who advise them.Next, contact your House member via Twitter and Facebook. Leave a message on their Facebook page and send a direct message to them on Twitter. Many representatives personally check these pages and their Twitter accounts and all are maintained by influential staffers. Just search for their name on each social networking web site or find a link from their House.gov web page.3. Please ask every pro-life person you know -- friends, family, church members, etc. -- to contact their members of Congress and urge no votes. Forward this alert to them and ask them to take action now!4. There is a group of key House members to contact who are wavering in their vote or undecided. Click here for more.
Contact Other House Members and Urge No Votes
Although most House members ignore emails and calls from people who live outside their legislative district, consider taking the time to call them anyway.It is also especially important to contact House members on the following committees whether they are your representative or not: the House Budget Committee and the House Rules Committee.Why? These two committees are likely going to be voting on bills and rules for debate that will affect the final outcome of the health care vote. You can find links to those committee web sites at http://www.house.gov (use the committee scroll down list at the top) and those sites each list members of the committee.Contact every Democratic member of those committees and urge no votes on any health care bills and rules.