Call Now to Stop Abortion in Health Care!
If you could go back in time, what would you do the week before Roe v. Wade?Dear Friends,If you could travel back in time to January 15th, 1973 (just 1 week before the Supreme Court would legalize abortion in all 9 months in their Roe v. Wade decision),what would you do?-Would you call your friends and family members to tell him how abortions hurts women and how it has been used as a racist tool to limit "certain populations?"-Would you pray?-Would you call the President and Congress and tell them not to allow abortion to cripple our nation?I am sure you would.As many of you know, this is a CRITICAL WEEK for our nation. One that could determine the fate of millions of innocent preborn children.The facts are there. The Senate healthcare bill that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying to pass in the U.S. House of Representatives uses taxpayer funds to pay for abortions.Every expert agrees that passing this piece of legislation will cost millions more lives and will be the LARGEST EXPANSION OF ABORTION SINCE ROE V. WADE.And because so much money is on the line for them, abortion industry lobbyists, their allies in the White House, and abortion advocates in Congress are pulling out all the stops on Capitol Hill -- twisting arms, making threats, promising payoffs, and trying to squeeze out every last vote on the abortion-laden government takeover of health care.All of this in an effort to secure a vote this week to pass taxpayer funded abortions.Speaker Pelosi has to secure 216 votes in the House of Representatives to pass the Senate bill, which DOES NOT include the pro-life protections against government funded abortions that Michigan Democratic Congressman Bart Stupak has offered.News reports indicate Pelosi is JUST A FEW VOTES AWAY from securing those 216 votes -- and giving Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry its multi-billiondollar government funded bailout.You are probably being bombarded with messages to contact your U.S. Representative right now -- and it is URGENT that you do so immediately!If the abortion mandate in health care passes the House, it will be immediately signed by President Obama and become the law of the land.This is the decisive moment for the pro-life movement and millions of preborn lives.-Get on the phone and call your Representative's DC and district office NOW.-Get online and e-mail your Representative NOW.-And Go to the district office of your Representative TODAY.Then do it all again TOMORROW.And the NEXT DAY ...... Until the abortion mandate has been stopped dead in its tracks.Tell your Representative clearly:*** "Vote AGAINST the Senate health care bill which uses government funds to pay for abortions!" ***Here are your urgent action items:1.) CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: Need help finding your Representative? Go here to contact him or her TODAY: (Remember, call both their D.C. and district office.)If you've already called, make sure your family and friends call. And then call again tomorrow! This really comes down to who can make the most calls in thesedecisive final days.2.) VISIT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE'S DISTRICT OFFICE: Need help finding your Representative's office? Go here to get all of his or her info: PRAY: We know that "with God ALL things are possible" -- even stopping the abortion mandate in health care. Please fervently pray for our nation and our leaders, that they do the right thing and block mandated abortion coverage and government funding of abortion.Do these 3 simple things today -- before it's too late!For Life,Kristan HawkinsExecutive DirectorStudents for Life of America