Thomas More Society Sues Abortionist for Wrongful Death of Baby Shanice, Born Alive and Murdered in Miami

Florida Health Department Seeks to Permanently Strip Abortionist of Medical License at HearingUpdate: National Media Spotlight Focused on Case, Including Popular "Drudge Report"!The Thomas More Society has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Shanice Denise Osbourne, an infant girl born alive and murdered in at a Miami-area abortion facility in July, 2006. The case alleges that Shanice was murdered by abortion clinic owner, Belkis Gonzalez. Thirteen defendants (including Gonzalez, abortionist Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacques Renelique and their conglomerate of four South Florida abortion clinics) have been sued for unlicensed and unauthorized medical practice, botched abortions, evasive tactics, false medical records and the killing, hiding and disposing of the baby."This case will trumpet to the world that abortion clinics are places of barbarism where mothers as well as their babies are at serious risk," says Tom Brejcha, President & Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society. "Moreover, this case should put some sharp teeth into the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. As we struggle to end the scourge of legal abortion in this country, we must hold the line against infanticide!"Tomorrow, February 6, 2009, the Florida Health Department will seek permanent revocation of the abortionist, Dr. Renelique, in a hearing before the state Board of Medicine. The Thomas More Society has retained noted Miami lawyer, Tom Pennekamp, to prosecute the case and represent Baby Shanice in Court and before the Board of Medicine.For more information about this shocking case, including the legal complaint, press release, and media links, visit our website.


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