Undercover Investigation of Milwaukee Planned Parenthood Reveals Medical Lies and Manipulative Counseling

For Immediate ReleaseApril 12, 2010Contact: Peggy Hamill, State Director, (262) 796-1111, cell (414) 416-0489Virginia Zignego, Communications Director, 262-796-1111, cell (262) 370-3993

Undercover investigation of Milwaukee Planned Parenthood reveals medical lies and manipulative counseling

Today, Live Action Films revealed an undercover Planned Parenthood video taken at the 5380 W. Fond du Lac Avenue, Milwaukee, location. In this video, the counselor can be seen and heard telling a woman who is reportedly 6 to 8 weeks pregnant that her developing baby has “no arms, no legs, no heart, no head, no brain.” The counselor encourages abortion for economic reasons and downplays adoption.“Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is our state’s number one abortion provider, both surgical and chemical. Planned Parenthood has proven they do not know, or they care to ignore, basic facts about human development,” said Virginia Zignego, communications director of Pro-Life Wisconsin. “This is the third video showing Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin affiliates violating state law.”Wisconsin law requires women to receive medically accurate information before obtaining an abortion.To view the undercover video, go to Live Action’s Web site, http://www.liveaction.org/.“As a sidewalk counselor at Milwaukee Planned Parenthoods, I have had post-abortion women fall apart in my arms, sobbing, immediately regretting their abortions. Nothing can prepare a woman for an abortion,” said Peggy Hamill, state director of Pro-Life Wisconsin. “This new footage reconfirms that Planned Parenthood is not providing women with complete, accurate medical information about their developing baby, much less the after effects of the abortion ‘procedure.’”Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin Milwaukee received $1,064,574.28 in 2007 under Wisconsin's Family Planning Waiver Program. Through this federal/state program, minors as young as 15 receive free birth control, without their parents' knowledge or consent. In total, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin received more than $12 million in federal and state taxpayer funding last year.


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