weDignify at SEEK!

weDignify staff has been busy this winter break at the 2025 SEEK Conference!


If you've never heard of SEEK, it's a Catholic Conference for college students where they have the opportunity to grow in community and relationship with their peers and God. 


At SEEK we had the amazing opportunity to connect with hundreds of students from all across the country. 

At the wedignify booth, students were able to check out our Saint shirts and stickers, designed by Maria - our Director of Mission!


We have shirts and stickers with images & quotes from

  • Saint Josephine Bakhita

  • Saint John Paul the Great

  • & Saint Teresa of Avila

If you want to see our other shirt and sticker designs, click below to check out the weDignify Shop!

Students who visited our booth could also answer a pro-life trivia question to spin the wheel and win a prize!

Missionaries Holly, Savannah, and Linnea working the weDignify booth!


weDignify’s Top 10 Memories From 2024!


Compassionate Conversations on Campus