Compassionate Conversations on Campus

Students have been busy taking part in Daring Greatly! Daring Greatly is an event where weDignify students go out on campus to speak with their peers and compassionately share the truth of abortion with them.

WeDignify students planted the seeds of truth in their peers, changing their hearts and saving lives. Keep reading to hear what our students have to say about their experiences!

Hear from Krista:

“After participating in Daring Greatly, I was shocked that I did not encounter a single pro-life student on campus. Coming from a small pro-life town, it blew my mind that so many people had opposing views, but that made it even more impactful to share the truth. Everyone my group encountered was respectful and courteous. We had lots of great conversations, and after a lengthy discussion, one person even stated if they know anyone considering abortion, they will let them know about weDignify. That was a huge success considering the person was pro-choice. Participating in Daring Greatly made me more confident in sharing my beliefs with others. I am so thankful for this experience and I know we will be on peoples minds, and hopefully change their hearts.”

Hear from EJ:

“Daring greatly was especially enjoyable and impactful because I got to hear the perspectives of many different people. I’ve never been in a situation where I was able to hear the points of view from a fellow pro-lifer, a strict pro-choicer, and someone more moderate. Things like daring greatly are what change hearts and have the potential to save lives.”

Hear from Joe:

“Through Daring Greatly, I had the opportunity to chat with two Muslim women. Despite our very different religious and political views, we were able to find common ground and learn from each other. My conversation with them proves that even though abortion is a difficult topic, we need to talk about it and try to change others’ opinions.”

Hear from Alissa:

“My group had some encounters with people who were pro-choice and some who were pro-life. One conversation I remember is a group of men that felt like they could not say what they thought about the topic because they are male. We explained to them that everyone has a right to an opinion. At the end of the conversation they didn’t completely change their minds but I could tell they were thinking about it.”

Hear from MJ:

“This was my first time Daring Greatly and I was very nervous, but my experience was really positive. One encounter that stood out to me was when I approached a girl who stated she was very pro-choice. I was expecting her to start an argument but she stated her points in a very non-argumentative way, so we were able to have a good conversation. When we asked her “what determines a human life?” I could tell she thought really hard about this question, but she couldn’t come up with an answer. I left this conversation feeling that we may have started to change her heart.

Hear from Tommy:

“Daring Greatly was a really good experience. It helped me gain confidence talking about the abortion issue and it helped me to dialogue more inquisitively and intentionally. People were open minded, and although we didn’t agree it was still good to talk with them. I think we planted seeds in many people!

Hear from Linnea:

“I had a conversation with a man who believes that life begins at heart beat. He said that he believes abortion is wrong, but doesn’t want to impose his beliefs on others. He felt that he does not have the authority to disagree if his partner wanted an abortion, but he would grieve the life of his child. He said that the effect abortion has on fathers isn’t talked about a lot. I ended the conversation by inviting him to small groups where he can learn more information and be better equipped to talk about the issue and its effect on men and fathers!”

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weDignify at SEEK!


Fostering a Culture of Life at Conference