WeDignify’s Vision in Action!

WeDignify's vision is for college campuses and Midwest communities to become centers for the culture of life, where people treat life with love, new life is welcomed with joy, and people suffering from abortion are led to healing hope.

Our missionary Antonio Gonzalez is putting this vision into action!

Last week, Antonio joined Dave Palmer in Dallas on the Guadalupe Radio Network to speak about weDignify's vision.

In this interview, Antonio spoke about our desire to share the truth of abortion with college students, and how we hope to achieve that through our work on campus.

WeDignify's missionaries mentor students into pro-life advocates who will share the truth of abortion on campus and in their future communities. One way we do this is through our small groups, where missionaries invite people to share in the spread of our vision.

Antonio shared that "most of our small group gets filled up by personal connection".

After students are lead through small group, they take their knowledge and put it into action by going out on campus and speaking to their peers.

"You would expect we would get a lot of aggression and intense emotion, but that is not something we encounter often. I think it has everything to do with our approach. We train students so when they are dialoging, it is not a debate. They are there to encounter the person in front of them and to draw out what is within that person"

WeDignify's goal is to find out what the other person feels about abortion, then continue to ask questions to get to the heart of the matter, which is what is the value of human life, and where does that value come from?

Click below to listen to his full interview.


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