“Every Life has Dignity and Purpose”

“When I was younger, I did not fully understood what being pro-life meant. When I was in High School, I remember our priest wearing a pin with 2 little feet on it. But he wasn’t wearing this to make a fashion statement. He showed us a video of what happens to a baby in the womb during an abortion. After that video, I understood what an abortion really was, and I wondered how anyone could ever do that to a baby.

When my daughter was 18, she told me she was pregnant. I said we would figure it out together, and I have supported her over the last 18 years as she raised my grandson. 

When I learned about WeDignify and their mission, I was sold. In fact, I wanted to go through the training myself but it never worked out. I saw students gain confidence in explaining their "why" for being pro life. But more than that, I saw them helping other men and women recognize the dignity of life in a culture that promotes death.

I only wish WeDignify was available on every campus so everyone would understand why abortion is not the answer when someone becomes pregnant. Every life has dignity and purpose and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is why I support weDignify.”

- Leigh Boorn


“Minds and Hearts are being Changed on the Reality of Abortion”


“weDignify Meets Students Where They’re At”