“Minds and Hearts are being Changed on the Reality of Abortion”
“Whether it was a high school speech debate, 40 Days for Life support, a prayer chain at an abortion clinic, participation in the March for Life, or general family discussions, pro-life matters have been a part of the fabric of our family for a long time. A truly defining moment came with our second pregnancy when a more advanced sonogram was recommended due to some concerns that were raised. We knew they were suggesting it was a point at which to determine the continuation of the pregnancy. There was only one choice for us, but it was overwhelming to think that someone could choose abortion after seeing that perfect baby on the screen.
Our beautiful daughter was born without complication.
Yet it always felt like we could be doing more. If not us directly, then how? Learning about and seeing weDignify in action answered that need to take what we believed to another level. Young people having personal encounters and conversations with peers is a powerful change agent that is fundamentally affecting beliefs. Minds and hearts are being changed about the realities and evils of abortion. That same daughter has now gotten involved in a weDignify small group, and we have become even more committed by increasing our gift this year. We have more intimately witnessed the impact that weDignify has on a college campus and recognize that it will carry into the world through all those who are touched by these pro-life champions”
- John and Elizabeth Kelley