Now is the time to act. Please take advantage of the opportunity to approach your legislators while they are in their home districts! If you act now and get your friends to do the same, your legislators will listen!Here's what you need to know:* The rush to takeover the entire health care system --at a staggering cost of $900 BILLION -- and impose anabortion mandate on America was NOT completed prior tothe U.S. House and Senate going on recess* The flood of your calls, letters, and e-mails tocongressional offices led to a misinformation "push-back" campaign by abortion advocates in Congress, mediaoutlets, and Planned Parenthood (America's largestabortion chain) -- falsely claiming that taxpayerswould not be forced to fund abortions through theproposed takeover (Contact your reps if you haven't already!)* The Associated Press ran a major story exposing thetruth: that abortion WOULD be funded through theproposed health care reform legislation; read thearticle at: it's August and your U.S. Representative and your two U.S. Senators are home for a month-long recess, and you can take further action to Stop the Abortion Mandate: elected officials need to hear about your opposition to the deadly abortion mandate in the health care takeover being proposed in Washington, D.C.How can you do this?Through Town Hall meetings!While home, many Members of Congress connect with constituents through Town Hall meetings -- large group gatherings meant to be a question and answer session between the Members and you.With abortion mandates included in the current health care takeover proposals, elected officials have a lot to answer for at their Town Hall meetings.You may have seen recent videos or news coverage of Town Hall meetings where Representatives couldn't give good answers to their constituents when asked about the proposed health care takeover.With the Senators also now at home, it's time to ask even MORE questions -- and get answers!Stop the Abortion Mandate has created an "August Recess Action Toolkit" that you can take with you to Town Hall meetings or any meetings you have with elected officials in their district offices.Here's how YOU can make an even greater impact:**********************************************************
1.) DOWNLOAD THE AUGUST RECESS ACTION TOOLKIT**********************************************************Download the complete action toolkit in PDF format at:**********************************************************2.) FIND YOUR LOCAL TOWN HALL MEETINGS**********************************************************Find out where and when your Representative and Senatorsare holding Town Hall meetings by visiting: your elected officials aren't listed, call their officeand ask for the schedule of their Town Hall meetings. Ifyou find that they are canceling Town Hall meetings toavoid accountability to constituents, please notify us at:
info@stoptheabortionmandate.comIf your Member of Congress isn't holding any Town Hallmeetings, you can still reach out and visit their districtoffice and setting up a personal meeting to express yourconcerns about the abortion mandate.**********************************************************3.) ATTEND TOWN HALL MEETINGS TO POSE QUESTIONS**********************************************************Go to local Town Hall meetings and ask polite but pointedquestions of Senators and Representatives like:"Will you oppose any health care bill that uses taxdollars to pay for abortions?""How will you keep abortion out of any proposed healthcare reform?""Will you oppose any health care bill that forces peopleinto health plans that mandate abortion coverage?""Will you ensure that any health care reform proposalexplicitly excludes abortion coverage or taxpayer fundingof abortions?"Please remember to always be polite, even when you have tobe insistent. Rudeness or personal insults reflect badlyon the pro-life cause. Also remember to take a videocamera to film the questions and answers, if possible.**********************************************************4.) KEEP IT SIMPLE**********************************************************Don't over-complicate things. Keep your questions andcomments simple, using key talking points like:* Stop the Abortion Mandate* Keep abortion out of health care* No taxpayer funding of abortion* No health plans that mandate coverage of abortion**********************************************************5.) VISIT
STOPTHEABORTIONMANDATE.COM**********************************************************Go to the website for more action items and tips for how you can helpstop the abortion mandate.The August recess is crucial to making sure YOUR voicegets heard. Members of Congress must be asked to accountfor the crisis created in the health care bill thatmandates abortion coverage and forces taxpayers tofund abortions.Please act now -- millions of lives depend on you!-- Stop The Abortion Mandate CoalitionP.S.- The Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition is looking for people who would like to be a part of a national viral video. The goal of the video is to raise awareness and get people to take action against the greatest threat to unborn human life since Roe v. Wade: the abortion industry's attempt to hijack health care.Get all the details on how you can be in our video at:, the deadline to submit your video is tomorrow, Tuesday, August 11!