Can Facebook Increase Humanity?
I spend quite a bit of time on facebook.A lot of people think that facebook kills real social interactions and isolates people. In effect, they say, it really dehumanizes personal relationships.Is this true? Probably in a lot of cases, but not always.
Is facebook Really So Bad?
My dad recently sent me a cartoon from the New Yorker. It's two guys sitting at a bar and one says to the other: "I used to call people, then I got into e-mailing, then texting, and now I just ignore everyone."The same could be said about facebook. It can be alienating, for sure. And yet, I'm still on facebook quite a bit...No, most of it is not playing farmville! Most of it is directed at spreading the pro-life message.I'm a big proponent of using things in our everyday lives to change the culture. It's easy to get distracted and think that to have any impact, we really need to do some BIG thing.Nope. Not true.Big things work sometimes, but the most effective way to change the culture is to do a lot of little things and to do them faithfully.One of the main tools of the pro-abortion side is dehumanizing the pre-born humans that they kill. So, one thing to keep in mind as we strive to do little things for life is to find small ways to remind people of the humanity of pre-born humans.
Facebook Used to Humanize the Preborn
A Texas couple did just that. They created a facebook page for their pre-born child.The novelty of this idea landed it on ABC News and got people talking in a BIG way."But I thought you said that we should focus on small things?"True. However, this couple didn't hire a PR firm to go out and get themselves on the news. They just did one small thing that demonstrated the humanity of their preborn child. This had a big effect.Even if it had not made the news, this still would have been an effective and powerful statement for those who are friends and family of this couple.It will likely make someone in their social circle think twice about abortion.
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What's your BIG, little idea for Facebook?I bet you have used facebook to spread the word in one way or another. Even if it doesn't have to do with abortion.Do you have any ideas?Have you used Facebook to spread the pro-life message or reveal the humanity of preborn humans? Let me know how in the comments below!