'The World is So Oatmeal!'
I was just chatting with Peter Aiura, an SFLI volunteer and all-around awesome pro-lifer.He was telling me of his frustrations. He was sort of ranting to me about the apathy that we find on campus and in the culture about abortion and human dignity.Peter is frustrated. To be honest, so am I!Peter was asking: how can so many people not care? How can so many people who should care or say they care not act like they care?Peter described being apathetic as being like Oatmeal, an apt description to me because I really don't like the blandness that is Oatmeal!
Quote of the day from Peter: "WHY IS THE WORLD SO OATMEAL?"
Anyway, this chat precipitated the following facebook note that I thought I'd share here with you. Please give it a read and consider it seriously:
Why does the world not care? What exactly in our hearts has died, that makes us disconnected and apathetic towards our fellow human beings? Since when did dropping loose change in the Salvation army Christmas donation jar quell our thirst for justice and charity? SINCE WHEN IS MEDIOCRE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!?At what point did our souls become shriveled and hardened that we can witness and live in such injustice, such hate, such disorder, such violence, and such callousness and not be moved by overwhelming sadness? Shouldn't our consciences well up within us, and become enraged at the ugliness of the world around it, overwhelm us, and move us to expend every last ounce of our being righting it?So why doesn't it?Why are YOU apathetic?
I really hope that you are as fired up about ending abortion as Peter is! If you're not, ask yourself why!Do you have any recommendations on how to break through the apathy in people? Let me know in the comments below!