008 - When does human life begin? | The weDignify Podcast

Dr. Maureen Condic, Associate Professor of Neurobiology at the University of Utah School of Medicine joins Morgan to answer the question "when does human life begin?"Other questions answered in this episode:

  • Is there debate within the scientific community about when human life begins?
  • Do we actually know when a new human life begins?
  • Isn't fertilization a complicated process within which no one truly knows when a new human organism is created?
  • Why can't we say that life begins with a heartbeat, brainwaves, etc.?
  • Embryocidal vs abortion

Resources mentioned in this episode:Bioethics Defense Fund: White Papers - LINK"Download user-friendly resources on embryology, embryonic stem cell research and cloning, gestational surrogacy, three-parent embryos and more."

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