Kermit Gosnell... Obama's BFF?

Obama baby pro-life pro-choiceKermit Gosnell killed at least 7 babies with scissors. This is what abortionists do. This is what pro-abortion politicians promote and protect as a legal right. In fact, given the evidence, Kermit Gosnell and President Obama should be bffs by now.Sound absurd? Sadly, it isn't... Obama voted on multiple occasions against a bill that would protect babies who were killed in this manner. While he was in the Illinois State Senate, he voted against the bill in committee and 'present' (no) when it was on the floor.In Illinois you can vote 'Yes', 'No', or 'Present' A state rep once explained it to me in the following way "You can vote 'Yes', 'No', or 'Chicken'" In other words, a present vote is a cowardly 'no' vote.Obama and Gosnell... BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!This is what all the crazy pro-lifers warned about in 2008 when we were all saying that Obama, if elected, would become the most pro-abortion president ever.Unfortunately, no one really listened... Fortunately, no thanks to Obama, we do have laws that protect these babies and Gosnell is being prosecuted.We have a long way to go to ensure protection for all the other babies. One way you can help is by joining us for our Illinois Lobby Day.


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