Pro-Life Events November 13-14

I received this email from Eric Scheidler today. Check it out:The weekend after next brings two exciting pro-life events toIllinois, but before I fill you in, I have an urgent action itemfor you on the embattled Illinois Parental Notice Act.It took 14 years and a huge court battle to finally get this 1995act put into force, but then the Illinois Department of Financialand Professional Regulation decided to enact a 90-day "graceperiod" to give abortionists time to prepare for the new policy.That grace period was supposed to end TODAY. But now the board hasapproved ANOTHER extension.Tomorrow, they'll decide how much MORE time to give abortionists toperform abortions on minor girls without informing their parents.Please CALL GOVERNOR QUINN and urge him to instruct the Departmentof Financial and Professional Regulation to END THE DELAY and allowthe Parental Notification Act to go into effect:Governor Quinn, Springfield Office: 217-782-0244Governor Quinn, Chicago Office: 312-814-2121Call BOTH the Springfield and Chicago offices, and be sure to passthis message on to all your pro-life friends.*** BIG PRO-LIFE WEEKEND NOVEMBER 13-14 ***And now to tell you about the exciting upcoming weekend packed withpro-life events in Aurora and Chicago.1. AURORA: Free Pro-life Talk Fri. 11/13It all starts in Aurora on Friday, November 13, with a free talk byFR. TOM EUTENEUER of Human Life International entitled, "The Fightfor Life Around the World" at Holy Angels Church.The evening begins at 5:15 with a light meal, so RSVP by thisFriday if you plan on attending. Get RSVP info, maps and more here: AURORA: Pro-life Mass & PP Protest Sat. 11/14Fr. Euteneuer will celebrate the 8:15 a.m. Mass at Holy Angels onSaturday, November 14, and then join our monthly protest at PlannedParenthood Aurora at 9:15 a.m. Details here: note that I've bumped the regular "3rd Saturday" protestback a week this month, and changed the start time slightly, toaccommodate Fr. Euteneuer's visit.)3. CHICAGO: Sidewalk Counseling Seminar Sat. 11/14Also on November 14, the Pro-Life Action League hosts a criticalsidewalk counseling seminar at St. Mary of the Angels Church inChicago, just days before the new "Bubble Zone" is set to begin.Attorney TOM BREJCHA of the Thomas More Society will explain howsidewalk counselors can continue to save babies from abortiondespite this infringement of their freedom of speech.ANN SCHEIDLER will present training course for new sidewalkcounselors and KATIE RIEDY of the Women's Center will detail thehelp available through pregnancy resource centers.Registration costs $20 and includes refreshments and seminarmaterials. Register here: hope you can be a part of this exciting pro-life weekend -- andplease be sure to call Governor Quinn TODAY, Students.Yours for Life,-- Eric


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