The Wonders of Adult Stem Cell Research

Article HereScientists at Griffith University in Australia are finding more evidence that adult stem cells are medically and scientifically superior to those taken from human embryos, which necessarily involve the destruction of human life in order to harvest the cells.The adult stem cells they have been using for research have allowed them to get closer than ever before to curing diseases such as Parkinson's, and many of these cells are being taken right from the patient's nose.Another advantage to doing it this way is that the cells have no risk of being rejected by the patients immune system, as they are from the patient's own skin. This risk many times accompanies the use of embryonic stem cell research, as the stem cells come from a completely different human being (one in the embryonic stage of life.)Of course, it would be far easier to understand this advantage to adult stem cell research if our society actually understood that a living human embryo is a living human being, and so we thank the scientists at Griffith University for their dedication to an ethical research for this disease's treatment and cure.


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